Letters to my sons

A collection of thoughts and lessons I've learned along the way for my little men,
and anyone else that's interested.

One of the greatest blessings I will ever experience is the daily blessing of being a father. Logan, you have been an answer to many prayers that your mother and I have had, and long before you were born we had been praying for you.

“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you”

~ Jeremiah 1:5

Through your life, we were given a glimpse of what God’s heart for us is. Before you were conceived, we prayed for you and for God to bless us with you and to bless you. Once you were conceived, we prayed for you every day, that you would come into this world to meet us, that you would never doubt that your parents love you more than anything, and that you would come to encounter God and have a real relationship with Him.

All the hopes we had for you, all the prayers we prayed, all the excitement and anticipation of meeting you – God felt all of those things for us when He created us.

And so it’s with that thought in mind that I revive this journal once more – not just to explore my own thoughts, but to share them with you. For the past 7 years, this has been a chronicle of the journey that God has taken me on, and my prayer is that in reading about my past and my experiences, you too will be challenged to Think with Passion and to live life to the full.



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